Living with an Undiagnosed Medical Condition
This site is being created from a journal I have been keeping of my Mystery Illness. So far I am undiagnosed. I am doing this in hopes to help others out there through my experiences and possibly find a diagnosis myself. Go back to the archives and start from the beginning to read the whole story. Please feel free to comment and share your stories or advice as you feel led!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Chest Pain - New Problems - September 9th, 2009
Well I spent another evening in the ER on Labor day. My chest was killing me. It still is actually. Tons of pressure right in the center of my chest. They did the EKG and some blood work. All looked good so they doped me up and sent me home to get an echo on Tuesday. Had the echocardiogram and it looked good as well. They told me it must be some type of inflammation in the chest and gave me motrin and some pain killers until the inflammation goes down. Today my legs feel like they want to constantly cramp and I am noticing some swelling in them this evening. I don't know what's going on, but it is very annoying. Any thoughts out there???
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Yaz Birth Control Neurological Side Effects
So today I was doing some research and I am wondering, could this possibly be a side effect of Yaz? I took Yaz from September 08 to April of 09 and my symptoms began in January of 09. I know for a fact my heart palpitations were a side effect since they went away about 2 weeks after I stopped taking Yaz. Has anyone out there ever heard of pelvic numbness being a side effect of Yaz and lasting as long as this has since I stopped taking it??????
Monday, July 27, 2009
July 27th, 2009 - My Anniversary Today and Bike Ride Last Night
Today is my 13th wedding anniversary to my wonderful husband. We aren't going out anywhere fancy, just spending a day at home with the fam relaxing. We went on a bike ride last night for the first time in quite a while. Wow is all I can say. I had a hard time getting out of bed before 10 today. I can't believe how much it took out of me. I really enjoyed it (although my butt is now sore) and it was nice to spend some quality time with the kids. Thankfully I have today off so I can recover!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Swollen and Sore Tongue
I didn't think about mentioning my tongue. Around the 4th of July I thought I burnt my tongue although I could not remember and instance it would have happened, but after 3 weeks it still hurts and I cannot eat anything spicy or salty. Here is a photo of my tongue. See how the sides are indented from my teeth and although it's not a great pic, the front and sides are red, not like the rest of my tongue. It also is affecting my speech. I keep slurring words every now and then. Very frusterating. Maybe another clue to all this? Looking online it talks about hypothyroidism and I have other symptoms of that as well. I may go see a doc this week and bring it up as an option to see what they say....
Friday, July 24, 2009
Today is a good day...
Okay, besides the fact that last night my left pinky kept falling asleep last night, I am actually feeling productive today. I also talked to my mom and she talked to her doctor about the whole endometriosis thing, but her doctor felt as well that my issue is neurological and not endometriosis. So we are back to having no clues.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Feeling Cruddy....What about Endometriosis?
Side note for today: Going to bed at 3am is not a good idea when you have to get up at 7. Anyways, I just found out this weekend after my mother had a hysterectomy for fybroid tumors that she also had endometriosis really bad. Then I found out my cousin and aunt both have had it as well!! I am going to call my OB this week and find out if I could possibly have endometriosis as well. I have never heard of anyone going numb from it, but it is too coinsidental. I also have been having more pain in my pelvic region this past week. Maybe I am mentally causing the pain thinking of endometriosis? I don't know. It just is odd. Something to investigate!
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 11th, 2009 - Weird water dripping sensation...Low body temperature and hot flashes??
Okay so I am 33 years old, definatly not going into menopause (at least I shouldn't be), off all birth control for 3 months now since my hubby had the big V and I feel like I am getting hot flashes. I was at a friend's house and I got very flushed, felt like I was getting a fever. We checked my temp, it was 97.6. My temp is always 98.6. At all my doc appointments it's been 98.6. I thought this was weird. Also I was holding her 5 month old baby and I thought he peed through his diaper on my fingers. I had him in my lap and I felt water dripping down my fingers on my left hand. But when we looked, nothing was there. I'm starting to get weirded out again. I bought a thermometer last night and I am consistently between 97.4 - 97.7. I have been trying my hardest to ignore everything my body is doing, but now my body temp has dropped a whole degree.
I'm still extremely fatigued all the time, still numb (oh yeah and now I am beginning to dribble pee a little) and I'm getting new pains and crazy sensations. What is going on????? I'm starting to think I need to head off to another doctor soon, but what type of doctor do I go see? Who do I trust?? I am very confused and just wish the answer would fall in my lap!
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
I'm still extremely fatigued all the time, still numb (oh yeah and now I am beginning to dribble pee a little) and I'm getting new pains and crazy sensations. What is going on????? I'm starting to think I need to head off to another doctor soon, but what type of doctor do I go see? Who do I trust?? I am very confused and just wish the answer would fall in my lap!
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, June 8, 2009
June 8th, 2009 - On Vacation
Having a nice vacation in Los Angelas. Exhausted beyond normal, but trying to recoop from the bronchitis still so I am sure that's causing the problems. Arms have really been driving me nuts. They are just constantly having some type of neuro feeling. I can't explain what it feels like, sometimes it's slightly painful, most of the time its just an annoying feeling.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1st, 2009 - Sick Again with Chest Cold - Bronchitis
Getting ready to go out of town and now I get bronchitis. Came on fast and hard. The doc gave me some antibiotics to knock it out quick. Hope they work, I don't want my vacation to be ruined because of this! Numbness and arms all the same. No new changes.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, May 25, 2009
May 25th, 2009 - Memorial Day Weekend
Got out of town this weekend. It was nice to get my mind off of myself. Went to an RV campground with the whole family and had a good time. I was laying on the deck on our cabin for about 20 minutes on my back and my right arm went completely numb. After about 20 minutes it woke back up and all was normal. This is the first time this has happened without me being in bed, but I was laying on my back. Am i pinching a nerve when I lay down?
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Friday, April 24, 2009
April 24th, 2009 - Getting On With Life...
Well I am living life like the doctor told me to. Working out as I can and trying not to let the numbness get to me. My arms are starting to bother me. Both of them on and off, they just feel weak at times although I have full strength in them. They also fall asleep on me at night time alot now.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Friday, April 10, 2009
April 10th, 2009 - Back to Neuro for Follow-up and EMG
Symptoms have remained the same, nothing new except for fatigue driving me insane. The shocking pains have not returned. Seems those only lasted for that one day. Thanks God!
Neuro does the EMG of my arms and legs. They cannot test the abdomen, it is not possible so they are hoping the arms and legs will give them clues. I am scared to death of the pain involved. For the most part it wasn't too bad. The one in my calf was the worst. They only test the right side of my body.
After the exam was done he brought me into the regular exam room to go over all the results. Everything is 100% normal. UGH!!! I break down. This was the last thing I wanted to hear. How can I be feeling this way yet everything is coming back normal???
Neuro tells me at this point there is nothing they can do for me and to get out there and live me life. If things get worse we'll have to go back through all the testing again and hopefully something will show up. I am completely crushed and leave the doctor's very depressed. He was the one who was supposed to give me answers and make everything go back to normal. Now what do I do????
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Friday - March 19th, 2009 - First Appointment with New Neurologist
So here we go, my hopes are up today as I go to see the new neurologist. He is VERY thorough. Spent an hour with us going over symptoms, unfortunately the docs here at home didn't send him any of my blood work, so all he has to look at is my scans. He wants to review everything and he also wants the scans of my spine redone again, but in his town, not mine. He also orders more blood work. So off to the waiting game again....
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sunday - March 8th, 2009 - Electric shocking Pains....
New pain toady, some electrical shocks shooting down my left hand. Right through my 4th and 5th finger. One time it even went down my back. Never had this before. Doesn't feel good. Hope this doesn't last!
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday - March 2nd, 2009 - Follow-up with Internist
Go to see the internist today. MRI shows some spinal narrowing and low water in my lower spine, same 2 bulging disks, but nothing significant to be affecting my problems. Blood work is also completely normal. No vitamin B deficiency or anything of that sort. He mentions is still could be MS and wants me to see another Neuro. This time he sends me to a Neuro out of town with a great reputation. I am hopeful this will be my answer and wait for the referal. Here's my MRI report. Looks like gibberish to me
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday - February 27th, 2009 - Can't Walk???
I woke up last night feeling like I was drunk, I was falling all over the hallway trying to go to the bathroom. I crawled back to bed and woke up this morning totally normal. That was weird.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday - February 23rd, 2009 - MRI Today
Spinal MRI Today. Nothing special, just same old same old. I'm beginning to feel like this mystery illness will never get solved.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday - February 19th, 2009 - Appointment with Internal Medicine Doctor
He suggests another MRI of my spine since the first one was done without contrast, checks all my vitals, and orders some more blood tests. He is just as puzzled as the other doctors. At this point I am getting used to the disappointment and just follow along with his recommendations.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday - February 15th, 2009 - More numbness
You know the feeling when you're sitting too long and your butt falls asleep? Well this is the feeling I woke up to today. My left butt cheek is asleep. My right side has a lot more sensation but is still not normal. Also my rectum inside is numb now. This is making is more difficult to have a bowel movement, I have to keep up the fiber in my diet!
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday - February 9th, 2009 - Back to the Idiot Neuroligist
So I am back for test results today. Neuro quickly glazes over MRI, says brain scan in normal, keep taking meds and he'll see me in 3 months. I tell him the meds are making me sick and I'm not sure they are really the right type of medicine. Also I ask about my blood work. He didn't even look at my chart!!!! I had to tell him he ordered blood work to check for MS. I also tell him I don't want to be drugged all the time, I want to find the cause of the problem since it still seems to be spreading and I am getting worried. He looks at the blood work, all's normal. Writes me up for another prescription medicine and says to come back in 3 months.
I am beyond pissed at this point. This guy just wants to drug people and could care less about figuring out what the root of the problem is. It's time for me to move on to another doctor.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday - February 2nd, 2009 - So Sick today...
I feel like I am been run over by a truck today. Horrible chest cold and extreme exhaustion. The Neurontin is horrible medicine. It makes me feel drugged all the time and I think it has led to this chest cold. It's not helping at all and after all the internet reading I have done, it seems to be for patient's with pain problems not numbness. I'm going to discuss this with the doc as I HATE this medicine and cannot continue to function properly with it.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday - January 30th, 2009 - Test Day
Had my Brain MRI today with and without contrast. Easy test, back still sore from spinal tap, but that was the only uncomfortable part.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday - January 25th, 2009 - More numbness, spreading upwards.
I woke up this morning and realized I could not feel the sensation when I pee. My urethra is completely numb. I am praying to God it does not move to affect me sexually. I still have complete control of my bladder thankfully. I also have decreased sensations in my upper belly now, not complete numbness by any means, just an altered sense, it doesn't hurt to pinch the skin but I can feel hot and cold. Weird.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday, January 23rd, 2009 - Seeing a Neurologist
I am going to leave names and places out of my blogging due to the fact that I had several bad experiences and I do not want people to comment on particular doctors and facilities. This blog is meant to help not to gossip.
The neurologist I visited was a complete idiot to say the least. He comes in the room, looking like he is high, I actually asked him if he was exhausted since he looked like he was ready to fall asleep and I could barely understand his speech. He had a very heavy accent and talked under his breathe. He does some basic sensory tests. Really doesn't want to find out what nerves in the "no man's zone" aren't working since he's not a gyno. He orders a brain MRI and some more blood work to check for MS. He also prescribes Neurontin assuring me this is exactly what I need and this should fix the problem. After 5 minutes, he has done his complete work up and charged me $300 for it. Jerk. He has scheduled me for a follow-up 2-3 weeks out. I am not happy but schedule my MRI and blood work.
*Note to self - look up Neurontin on the internet and find out what it is used for!
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
The neurologist I visited was a complete idiot to say the least. He comes in the room, looking like he is high, I actually asked him if he was exhausted since he looked like he was ready to fall asleep and I could barely understand his speech. He had a very heavy accent and talked under his breathe. He does some basic sensory tests. Really doesn't want to find out what nerves in the "no man's zone" aren't working since he's not a gyno. He orders a brain MRI and some more blood work to check for MS. He also prescribes Neurontin assuring me this is exactly what I need and this should fix the problem. After 5 minutes, he has done his complete work up and charged me $300 for it. Jerk. He has scheduled me for a follow-up 2-3 weeks out. I am not happy but schedule my MRI and blood work.
*Note to self - look up Neurontin on the internet and find out what it is used for!
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday - January 22nd, 2009 - Calling the Doctor
Well I woke up and the numbess has moved deeper. I can no longer feel my bladder or bowels. I know this sounds weird but I can only tell that I have to go to the bathroom when my bladder is full. I can push on my tummy and there is no pressure sensation or pain. I do have physical control thank God! I think it's time to call the doc. They tell me to go to the ER, they will have the proper testing needed to see what's going on.
When I get to the ER I am a nervous wreck. They are concerned and move quickly to get me into a room to start testing. When I first arrived the nurse wanted a gyno doc to check me out, but after the other doc came in he was certain in was neurological and began down the road of blood work, MRI's, CTs and Spinal Taps. Ouch. After 13 hours of tests and waiting, I was told everything was normal and was sent home to follow-up with a neurologist the next day. At this point I am frusterated and confused. I was thinking this would be an open and shut case. Little did I know this was just the beginning.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
When I get to the ER I am a nervous wreck. They are concerned and move quickly to get me into a room to start testing. When I first arrived the nurse wanted a gyno doc to check me out, but after the other doc came in he was certain in was neurological and began down the road of blood work, MRI's, CTs and Spinal Taps. Ouch. After 13 hours of tests and waiting, I was told everything was normal and was sent home to follow-up with a neurologist the next day. At this point I am frusterated and confused. I was thinking this would be an open and shut case. Little did I know this was just the beginning.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009 - Numbness Continues to Grow
The right side of my pelvis has also gone numb. It does not cross the midline of my belly, it is very distinct on the left and the right side. The right side area that is numb is not a large as the left side. I am very disturbed, but go throughout my day trying not to think about it. After all, it's only the skin, I can still fully function so maybe I just hit a nerve or something.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 - Numbness Begins
I was laying in bed at night and I felt a weird twitch in my abdomen, if you've been pregnant I can only explain is as it felt like a baby jumped, but of course I am not pregnant so I was a little startled. I went to scratch my belly and realized I couldn't feel it. My entire left side of my pelvis from below my belly button to the top of my c-section line was completely numb. Just like when I had my c-section in 1998. I was very nervous and had a difficult time sleeping that night.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Monday January 12th, 2009 - Pelvic Pain
This was the first day I started having problems. I had pelvic pain in my pelvis, low lying and constant for a full week. They weren't quite like any cramps I had experienced in the past. I had an IUD for 5 years and recently switched over to Yaz, a birth control pill. I thought maybe this was a precursor to finally having a period. I have not had one since I had the IUD placed.
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
The Beginning
Where do I begin? Well I guess I will start with my past medical history brining me to the first day of my symptoms. This will be sort of long, but I feel it is important to share the past as it may have hidden clues for a diagnosis! Here we go.
So that is the past. Things were going well and I felt fine. This is where my story really begins...
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
- 1998 - Urgent C-Section to deliver identical twin boys at 33 weeks gestation. I received a spinal to numb me instantly and the nurse hit a nerve during the procedure. It took about 5 months for the feeling to come back after the cesarian and the pain in my back never fully subsided from the nerve she hit.
- 1999 - Threw out my back which was still healing from the twin pregnancy. Taken to ER, put on meds and physical therapy. Recovered.
- September 29, 1999 - My husband is diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Talk about stress overload. Went through a few boughts of depression and took some anti-depressents during this time. Husband ended up surviving after a year long battle and things were good.
- No Direct Time Frame - Have had strep throat on several occasions and everytime the docs test me for meningitis since my reaction is so severe. I was even hospitalized for it once since my body went into shock.
- Jan 2001 - Gave birth naturally to my miracle daughter. After my husband's leukemia, Stanford told us he was infertile. God gave us a true blessing and we thank Him daily for her! Had an epidural during labor and my right thigh went numb for 2 years,
- 2004 - Right shoulder blade went numb. No injury, just lost complete sensation in the skin. Muscle works fine. Still numb to this day.
- 2005 - Fell on stairwell, broke left foot in 3 places. Ouch. recovered in about 6 months.
- 2007 - Had severe pelvic pain in left pelvic are for about 2 months. CT Scan showed some type of growth in the abdomen. Small 1 inch incision made and a golf ball sized endometrioma was removed. Numb skin returned to normal after about 2 months.
So that is the past. Things were going well and I felt fine. This is where my story really begins...
mystery diagnosis, mystery illness, neuro problems, numbness, unknown medical problems, pelvic problems, numb arms, ms, sick, pelvic disease, pelvic numbness,
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